Bid and order custom made products that are assembled with materials sourced from other vendors.
Track goods and services from the moment they are ordered. Are they waiting production, waiting shipment, in the warehouse, back ordered or installed? Sigma Sourcing's detailed system gives you an exact status and history. Track submittals from status as Pending Vendor all the way to Approved.
Need to change a PO? Track every change as if you were tracking changes in a Word document. See changes in quantity, price, total, shipping and item specifications.
Have a detailed project description from a designer? Track it to the T by entering spec identifiers, upload PDF specifications, bid the exact specifications and prepare a client budget in summary or with line item detail connected to the designer's plan.
Do you want to ensure every dollar paid to a vendor is matched with a PO and no PO is paid twice? Sigma Sourcing requires every payment to connect with orders issued by the project manager. All payment activity is transparent through summary and detailed reports.
Want to provide detailed billing to your client? Track every dollar invoiced to the PO issued and payment made to your vendors. Sigma Sourcing connects your accounts payable and your accounts receivable to ensure the correct invoice, with backup, is delivered to your client every time.
Do you need all of this activity rolled into your accounting system? With QuickBooks web connect, you can import accounts payable and account receivable data directly into QuickBooks and generate financial statements, process payments and collect on invoices using all of QuickBooks many easy features.
Get all your reports with perfect formatting as a PDF or Excel file. Budget Report brings budget, variance from budget, PO committed, and expected numbers into focus
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Designer PDF Importer
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